Resilience, Fear management, Risk-taking, Stress management

About project...
E-MotiOn aims at incorporating emotional education into school classrooms and supporting teachers and other teaching professions for the development of innovative training materials using linguistic, art, and musical creativity.
The need and importance of addressing key emotional competences: resilience, risk-taking, fear, and stress management has been further highlighted by the teachers, especially with the outbreak of Covid-19.
Today more than ever before, young people need to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills on how to be able to react in uncertain situations, be able to take risks, and manage stress at school as well in their personal lives.
E-MotiOn project consists of the development of 60 creative activities...
E-MotiOn project consists of the development of 60 creative activities kit for children aged 10-12 years to develop creativity as a fundamental skill necessary to acquire RESILIENCE, to know how to manage FEAR, to know how to assume RISKS and to manage STRESS in a creative way.

All exercises will be developed in an interactive manner, user-friendly, and easy to understand for both teachers and students so that all of the activities can be implanted in the classrooms as well as in a virtual environment.
Short introduction movie and presenting made within ERASMUS+ project E-MotiOn.
Мain objectives
The main objectives and activities of the E-MotiOn project will be.
The main objectives of the E-MotiOn project are to
- support teachers and students on the development of key emotional competences,
- promote multidisciplinary at schools by using innovative activities,
- develop linguistic, art, and music creativity,
- support teachers in applying non-formal educational methods in classrooms,
- raise awareness of the importance of emotional education, mental health, and well-being for students aged 10-12 in schools and out-of-school environments.
The main activities will be
- research and collection of on-ground information from students, teachers, and parents
- collection of 60 creative activities on key emotional competences
- organisation of international training event for teachers
- implementation of pilot testing in 4 partner schools
The main activities will be
- creation of simulation videos in real environment during national piloting
- organisation of national events for sharing and promoting results
- creation of a digital educational platform
To be effective and function properly in a virtual environment.
The kit will introduce innovative approaches for self-development and emotional education via non-formal and interactive methods. It will be clearly explained within the practical activities that developing personal skills will equip students with the necessary knowledge to solve various problems of young people’s lives, e.g. bullying, mental health, isolation, stressful family situations, and build better relationships with teachers, family, and friends. All exercises will be developed in an interactive manner, user-friendly, and easy to understand for both teachers and students so that all of the activities can be implanted in the classrooms as well as in a virtual environment.