Linguistic creativity

EmoVocab Resilience Challenge


The EmoVocab Resilience Challenge is a linguistic activity designed for students aged 10-12 to enhance their emotional competence related resilience. This empowers explore and expand vocabulary while discussing sharing strategies building resilience.


  • improved emotional competence, including a broader emotional vocabulary.
  • enhanced resilience skills and the ability to adapt to challenges.
  • increased self-awareness of emotional responses.
  • greater empathy and understanding of how resilience can help oneself and others.

Emo-Story Resilience Workshop

The Emo-Story Resilience Workshop is a linguistic activity tailored for students aged 10-12 to foster emotional competence, particularly resilience. Over 40 minutes, students engage in creative storytelling to understand and develop resilience while using their language skills.


  • enhanced emotional competence, focusing on resilience and emotional expression.
  • improved language skills, including vocabulary and communication.
  • increased self-awareness of personal strengths related to resilience.
  • greater empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by others.

Emo-Tale Resilience Journey

The Emo-Tale Resilience Journey is a linguistic activity designed for students aged 10-12 to enhance their emotional competence, particularly resilience. This activity involves collaborative storytelling and reflection to help students understand and develop resilience through creative narratives.


  • improved emotional competence, focusing on resilience, empathy, and emotional expression.
  • enhanced language skills, including vocabulary, communication, and narrative construction.
  • increased self-awareness of personal strengths related to resilience.
  • greater empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by others.

Resilience Reflection Letters


Resilience Reflection Letters is a linguistic activity designed for students aged 10-12 to enhance emotional competence and resilience. In this activity, students will write personal letters to themselves, reflecting on their strengths, coping mechanisms, and goals for building resilience.


  • improved emotional competence, focusing on self-reflection and understanding personal resilience.
  • enhanced written communication and expressive language skills.
  • increased self-awareness of individual strengths and coping strategies.
  • empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by oneself and others.

Strengths Journal


Strengths Journal is a linguistic activity aiming to build emotional competence and resilience through reflective writing. In this 40-60 minute activity, students will create personal journals to explore and celebrate their individual strengths, fostering a positive sense of self.


  • enhanced emotional competence and self-awareness.
  • improved written communication and expressive language skills.
  • increased self-esteem and a sense of personal agency.
  • encouragement of empathy and understanding among peers.

I find


The ‘I find’ activity is a wonderful way to develop language skills in young children.


  • Demonstrating language skills.
  • Raising awareness of creative ability.

DURATION: 20 minutes

Lost on the island


This is a fun and collaborative activity that children can play to practice vocabulary and grammar.


  • Demonstrating adequate use of written language.
  • Demonstrating speaking skills.

DURATION: 20 minutes

Comic maker


This is a fun activity that allows children to create comic drawings to build language and writing skills.


  • Enhancing creativity through drawing.
  • Improving writing skills.

DURATION: 45 minutes

I am good at


This is a nice activity that helps children overcome their fears by accepting their qualities.


  • Demonstrating self-confidence.
  • Improving writing skills.

DURATION: 45 minutes

Storytelling as a bridge to overcome fear


Storytelling is a great school activity that encourages language development and introduces new vocabulary for children.


  • Enhancing the creative ability to use narrative and linguistic skills.
  • Increasing self-confidence by accepting certain events and overcoming fear.

DURATION: 20 minutes

Papers & Dragons


In this activity, a short Dungeon & Dragons campaign will be recreated, adapted in a simple way to linguistic and decision-making themes and risks. An initial story with a specific objective will be presented, and the students themselves will improvise the development and conclusion of the story.


  • Creation of a completely improvised group story.
  • Confidence in making decisions with their respective consequences.
  • Encouragement of storytelling and creativity.

DURATION: 1 hour.

Poetry Jam


Speaking in public can be challenging for many people, especially when it involves emotional topics, the risk is even higher. That's why this activity encourages students to create a poetic composition every two weeks and voluntarily present it in the classroom in front of their peers.


  • Confidence in expressing feelings and emotions to others.
  • Self-assurance when speaking in public.
  • A calm and safe environment to express oneself freely.

Party & Risk


A version of the popular board game "Party & Co" where the main theme will be decision-making and risk-taking. In this version, teams will compete and engage in charades, taboo (forbidden words), and questions.


  • Ability to express oneself through non-verbal or alternative means.
  • Identification of words and terms related to risk-taking.
  • Learning through play.

Curtain-up (NTC gledalisce)


This interactive theatrical activity aims to explore the ability to take risks through stage performance. Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in improvised scenes and reflect on bold decision-making in a controlled and creative environment.


  • Increased confidence in taking risks. Improved improvisation and adaptability skills.
  • Development of communication and teamwork skills.
  • Reflection on the importance of courage and boldness in everyday life.

The Brave Reading Club


A reading club will be recreated to analyze and reflect on popular tales and their elements related to risk-taking, identifying terms and related situations while fostering debate, reflection, and dialogue.


  • Promotion of creativity and imagination.
  • Improvement of the ability to analyze risks and make decisions.
  • Development of communication and storytelling skills.
  • Reflection on courage and risk-taking in daily life.
  • Promotion of reading.

EmoWord Stress Busters


The EmoWord Stress Busters activity is designed for students aged 10-12 to enhance their emotional competence related to stress management. This 40-minute linguistic activity empowers students to explore stress-reduction techniques through the creation of positive and empowering word expressions.


  • improved emotional competence, focusing on stress management, emotional expression, and positivity.
  • enhanced vocabulary and language skills.
  • increased self-awareness of personal stressors and effective stress-reduction techniques.
  • greater confidence in utilizing linguistic strategies for stress relief.

Stress Relief Challenge


The Stress Relief Challenge is a linguistic activity designed for students aged 10-12 to enhance their emotional competence in stress management. In this activity, students will create and share poems that express their emotions and promote stress relief.


  • improved emotional competence with a focus on stress management, emotional expression, and creative problem-solving.
  • enhanced language skills, including vocabulary, metaphorical thinking, and creativity.
  • increased self-awareness of personal stressors and effective stress-relief techniques.
  • greater confidence in utilizing linguistic and creative strategies for stress relief.

Stress-Relief Poetry

The Stress-Relief Poetry activity is designed for students aged 10-12 to enhance their emotional competence in stress management. In this activity, students will create and share poems that express their emotions, reflect on stress management, and provide a creative outlet for emotional well-being.


  • improved emotional competence, with a focus on stress management, emotional expression, and creativity.
  • enhanced language skills, including vocabulary, metaphorical thinking, and creative writing.
  • increased self-awareness of personal stressors and effective stress-relief techniques.
  • greater confidence in using words and art as tools for emotional well-being.

Calm Conversations Dialogue


Calm Conversations Dialogue is a linguistic aiming to enhance emotional competence in stress management through meaningful conversations and reflection. In this 40-60 minute activity, students will engage in guided discussions to explore stress triggers and develop effective coping strategies.


  • improved emotional competence with a focus on stress management.
  • enhanced communication and active listening skills.
  • increased self-awareness of stress triggers and coping mechanisms.
  • fostering a sense of empathy and understanding among peers.

Stress-Relief Letter Exchange


The Stress-Relief Letter Exchange activity aims to build emotional competence in stress management through written communication and empathy. In this 40-60 minute activity, students will exchange supportive letters with a focus on stress relief and understanding.


  • improved emotional competence with a focus on stress management.
  • enhanced written communication and expressive language skills.
  • increased empathy and understanding of peers' experiences.
  • promotion of a positive and supportive classroom or online community.


№: 2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000086869
Programme: Erasmus+, KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education
Duration: 01.11.2022 - 31.10.2024

logo.emotionFunded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
