Through the creation of a comic, students are encouraged to recreate a fictional situation where resilience is present, with complete creative freedom in terms of themes and ideas. Creating this comic in small groups allows collaboration, reflection, and representation of their understanding of resilience and overcoming difficulties.
- Development of creativity and imagination through the creation of a comic.
- Understanding and representation of resilience in the form of a visual and narrative story.
- Promotion of collaboration and teamwork in the creation of a group project.
- Encouragement of critical thinking and empathy by identifying with the characters and their challenges.
DURATION: 80 minutes (2 sessions of 40 minutes).
- Various art supplies:
- Markers, pencils, crayons, etc.
- Scissors, glue, cotton balls, newspapers, etc.
- Watercolors, tempera paints, finger paints, etc.
- Basic artistic skills.
- Creative ability.
- Basic understanding of creating comics in literature.
- Step 1: The class will be divided into small groups of 3-4 students. An explanation of what a comic is and its common elements will be provided.
- Step 2: Each group should design a comic with completely free themes: superheroes, science fiction, everyday situations, animals, etc., using various materials: markers, paper cutouts, watercolors, etc. The comic should tell, in no more than 2 sheets of paper, a story of overcoming challenges and the use of resilience.
- Step 3: Once these stories are completed, they will be displayed in a common area of the classroom, and each group will have 5 minutes to explain their story to the rest of the classmates. Students will be encouraged to discuss and reflect on the stories, as well as identify situations where resilience is reflected and if it is used appropriately.
- Allow complete creative and thematic freedom.
- Encourage students to reflect and draw inspiration from the protagonists of their own creations.
- How did it make you feel when your protagonists were able to overcome their challenges?
- Do you believe everyone can face problems or difficulties?
- Are there people close to you who inspire you as examples of resilience?